Amelia Mareta
Kimia Kelas 10, Matematika Kelas 11
A Bachelor of Chemistry graduate with a total of 1 year of experience, including actively participating in
internships and becoming a research assistant, laboratory assistant, lecturer assistant, and field work practice.
Apart from that, for 3 years he was also active in several organizational and social activities. Have
communication skills, good problem solving, data analysis, instrumentation, creative, innovative, and a desire to
continue learning. The ambition to continue learning new things encourages me to continue to develop and
improve my skills professionally in the industry I work in and will continue to innovate in the future.
Asisten Peneliti, Asisten Dosen, Asisten Laboratorium
Jika tidak mau mencoba peluang untuk bisa 0%, dan jika kamu ingin mencoba peluangnya 50%. Maka lebih baik mencoba daripada tidak ada niat sama sekali.
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