Dinul Arfan
Umur 30 th
Tinggi : 165 cm
Bb : 50 kg
Fighting spirit every time every days always keep on
Nothing to say to be loss
Nothing impossible in this life, cause of we will try and to try again
1. PT. BNI Life Pekanbaru di rumbai pesisir
Sebagai BAS ( Banc Assurance Specialist)
2. PT. Mitra Purna Sejati
Sebagai pengawas K3 umum dari
disnakertrans padang
3. BPJS ketenagakerjaan
Sebagai agen Perisai ( smp sekarang karna jam kerja freeline tidak terkekang oleh pkerjaan utama)
4. Guru 3 bhs ( Inggris, Jepang, indo) di omg english course and private ( freeline)
5. Translator 3 bhs sprti d ats
Just spread all of your wings
And always changes your dreams
Leave all the paint and make our life begins
And when it seems to be hard to live in our ways
But we must go on, and always struggling
To make all of our dreams come true
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Jenis Kelamin :
Laki - Laki